The here and now and a bit of way back then

I relived my journey to 40 and found there's so much more to say

2021 Year End Review

So we’ve got through 2021. Hoorah to us!

And can I say what an odd year it’s been. I don’t know if you care to think back to the start of the year and that third ‘lockdown’. I don’t think I have felt as exhausted as I did in February when there was a lot to juggle with home schooling and home working. I don’t think anyone has truly felt rested since the pandemic began despite all this time at home. When at home you do all the home chores that need doing and never the lounging about that you think you might do. I remember on Valentine’s Day that Husband took #1, 2 and 3 on a walk to give me an hour to myself in our own home and that was such a treat!

Ah, how I miss just having time to myself in my own home or anywhere even. It made the commute to the office a luxury! May there be more of that in 2022. Not so much commuting but taking time for yourself. We should all be much better at that. So take a moment to think of what those things may be.

And may there be much more of those many things in 2022. Like trips away at home and overseas. Weekends visiting friends. Meals out. Theatre and live music. Time at home because we choose to be home. Walks outdoors and an appreciation of the simple things.

This year hasn’t passed by without nothing being achieved even though I’ve barely been on my blog. Let’s see. Well I’ve ran over 1,000 miles. I’ve finished crocheting my monster king size blanket so that it feels nice and toasty in my bed this winter. I’ve had squidgy soft baby cuddles with new family members. I’ve progressed at work and feel more confident in what I do. I’ve spent time with family without that tinge of fear. I’ve soaked up sea air. I’ve spent time in London and all the excitement that brings. I’ve taken #2 and 3 for their first West End theatre experience. I’ve seen puffins. I’ve cooked and baked an extraordinary amount. And so much more come to think of it.

More importantly, I’ve watched #1, 2 and 3 navigate this pandemic period with resilience and good spirits. It’s almost like they are taking each new opportunity and making the most of it because they can. I’m really proud of them.

I feel this year has definitely passed by with much less fear than 2020 but I can also say that I haven’t seen my family any more often. And that does makes me sad. But there’s also optimism that 2022 will make a difference with all the vaccines and positivity that comes with it so that we can all enjoy our time together. I’ve missed so much time with people and I can’t wait to see them again soon.

In this household we’ve just come out of 16 days of Covid-19 making an appearance and quite symbolic that we are all testing negative on the last day of the year. And so on that note, let us look to the new year with hope. Whatever you’re doing I wish you a very peaceful end to 2021 and may 2022 start with renewed energy and the chance we might see a lot more people and enjoy many happy times together.

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

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Out running 2021

I only discovered Strava in November 2020. So perhaps it’s the novelty of tracking every single sporty thing you do that has helped me end this year having ran a total distance of 1650 km/1025 miles! Slightly less notable is logging 25.5km on my bike, but that probably comes as no surprise to those who know me well and have seen me out cycling. If there’s a cycling proficiency course for grown ups, do let me know.

For me, it wasn’t intentional to get to 1,000 miles this year but I was so inspired by a friend of mine who achieved this goal in 2020 and I quietly gave the idea some thought. It seemed such a big number and commitment of time. Could I really run at least 135 km a month when there seemed to be so little time to do all the things that I needed to do. I wasn’t new to running but there was always someone to run with or a short term goal to aim for. I don’t think I’ve actually ran consistently for more than six months.

But then we started 2021 with lockdown number 3 and with that came more home schooling and home working and you don’t need me to remind you how much fun that was. And so I gave myself license to take a bit of time to myself. To run whenever the mood and circumstance allowed. It was the best gift I could give myself.

Getting outdoors was such a release from the confines of not being able to plan anything or go anywhere. But going out for a run did get me places. It gave me time on my own to decompress and gather my thoughts. I have become one of those people who advocates all kinds of weather running, especially since I got my first pair of trail shoes. Gamechanger! Even when it was snowing and freezing cold, it was liberating! To feel the cold on my cheeks nothing less than exhilarating and to have the freedom and space to see something new, even when running the same paths week after week. Because if you look closely, no one place ever looks the same.

Winter running with snowdrops and crocuses turned to spring daffodils and the first crop of wild garlic. And then lockdown 3 ended with a tentative return to other social events where you could see other people. I can see from my Strava logs that running took a bit of a back seat then but still it kept me going on days that became a bit too noisy. To put on my running shoes and go out for a run in the early evening sunset, past groups of people languishing with picnics in the park. You don’t realise just how much easier it is to run in the cooler months until autumn hits and there’s a quicker pace to your step and you see other runners and you start telling them too how lovely it is to be out in the fresher air. Because you do that once you start running. You start chatting to other runners about running. And that’s one of my favouritest things to do when running is just pootling along and having a chat with another runner. It solves all manners of things you need to get off your chest.

I’m really pleased to have achieved over 1,000 miles of running this year. It’s been a wonderful experience and throughout this odd year it has definitely kept me grounded. I’ve enjoyed the time on my own, or spent running with others. I don’t know whether I’ll still keep up the same mileage in 2022 or try and run a half marathon every month. I think I need to branch out into other forms of sport like stretching out these tired limbs or perhaps practicing road safety on my bike more.

If you’re contemplating the idea of picking up running in the new year, I hope you do. And I hope you enjoy every single moment of getting outdoors and if ever you need a bit of company, I’m there.

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I still believe…

You don’t need me to tell you that Christmas isn’t all about the presents. But this time last week, there were almost no presents to be found in this household! In fact a frantic weekend was to be had of what can only be described as a spree of haphazard panic shopping. Besides a big dose of late preparation, what else could fuel such an event than a presence of the Covid in the family nine days before Christmas. Not just one dollop but two. So it goes to reason that the chances of more out of the five of us could catch it was highly possible.

The ease of online shopping obviously helps. Plus the generous offer from friends to help pick up groceries for Christmas dinner after I realised the only Christmas dinner contribution I had at that point was some cranberries. Essential definitely. But rather redundant without a side of something to go with it.

So as each morning passed with a negative result from both Husband and myself, we got one step closer to being Christmas ready. But whilst there would be presents on Christmas morning and Christmas dinner at some point later that day, and getting all these things ready is part of the fun and tradition of this festive season, the shine was rather lacklustre.

Perhaps largely due to impact of the Covid symptoms, #1, 2 and 3 were less than forthcoming with a Christmas wish list, let alone writing a letter to Father Christmas. Especially for #3 who wouldn’t be able to take her own letter to the postbox. It’s enough to make your heart sigh, wondering if this is when you stop believing in the magic because with those days of isolation and testing, there could be no guarantee that any plans you wanted to make would actually happen. And if anyone needed to be an Elf this year, I certainly knew of a couple who could do with that kind of sparkle.

Christmas is a feeling. Of warmth and joy at parties with friends, reunions with family, walks in the cold to get a hot chocolate whilst being surrounded by pretty twinkling lights. Nine days may not seem like a long time but it can feel like a long time when you’re a young child and one of the most exciting, magical times of the year is happening outside and you want to be part of it. And so, as luck and chance would have it, it’s Christmas Eve and all test negative so we can get outdoors to enjoy the cold fresh air together with family for hot chocolate and red wine, a visit to see Father Christmas pop down a chimney and Elves teaching you Elfy stuff, an evening of getting properly Christmas Day ready with food out for the reindeer, magic dust and a poem to unleash the power of Christmas everywhere.

This Christmas Eve, I cannot be more thankful that we got to do everything we wanted to share some hope, joy and fun and see big happy smiles and restore some of the excitement that being a child at Christmas is all about. And I can honestly say that I still do believe in the magic of Christmas.

Perhaps this will also remind me to get myself more organised earlier next year. Well, that would be too much of a Christmas miracle!

Merry Christmas Eve to you and yours. x

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