The here and now and a bit of way back then

I relived my journey to 40 and found there's so much more to say

Home alone

It is usually I that takes #1, 2 and 3 away during the holidays leaving Husband home alone. It is rather odd to be the one left home alone this time. Wondering how everyone is and missing them.

The last time I spent any length of time on my own, in my own home was 11 years and five months ago. Until the past few days, I’ve probably spent just a few hours at home on my own. Most likely trying to catch up on jobs that get half done and preparing some form of meal before the house is once again filled with noise and a string of questions and needs and stuff swarming on every available surface. In our household there will never be a flat surface without stuff magically appearing upon it. For those of you that do have a household with stuffless flat surfaces, I marvel at it every time.

Things that I’ve come to realise these past few days is that I spend a lot of my time thinking about food, buying food, thinking about buying food, being asked about food and cooking food. Take away having to feed anyone but myself gives me so much more free time. And not having to think of meals that are nutritionally balanced, satisfies at least three out of four people and ready for a particular time before multiple lots of hanger sets in is sooooooo liberating. If I wanted to, I could have had cereal for dinner.

And because less time is spent thinking about, preparing and clearing up after food preparation and consumption, there has been so much time in the evening to do things like binge watch Netflix. Even after catching up on household jobs. Because let’s be honest, whilst it may seem tempting to binge watch Netflix and eat cereal for three whole days, there’s also equal satisfaction to be gained from deep cleaning bedrooms uninterrupted. And that is exactly what I have done. Even down to tackling the under depths of the beds. I can tell you with authority that that is where you will find the Land of Odd Socks. For years I’ve often pondered where the odd socks go to and now I know.

By no means have I achieved stuffless flat surfaces but there is something quite magical about leaving a room and coming back to it exactly like it was. I can’t remember the last time that happened. Unless you count leaving a mess and coming back to a mess the same state of being.

Whilst I have enjoyed these past few days of solitude home alone, I’m also thrown a bit off centre. It feels strange not having to do a milk and bread run every other day. I almost could have stayed in my pyjamas and not speak to anyone too. And I’m not so much liking how you hear every single sound amplified in the house, not helped by full on windy storms going on through the night. Thankfully though, normal chaos resumes tomorrow.

But until then, here’s a lone Bettys fondant fancy. Just for me. No sharing required.



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